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Our gamification portfolio

Browse our portfolio of serious games, individual game developments and gamified solutions from 20 years of experience. Find something suitable for your targeted team workshops, internal trainings and get inspired for a tailor-made solution.

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Pearl Divers – A Decision Making Game

Pearl Divers Decision Making playing cards and figures: decision cards "Back" and "Next".

A serious game to learn methods for better decision-making and experience the cognitive biases that influence it.

Culture Game – Swissport

Service Map from Swissport AG as a game board: playing cards with decisions, chips for resource capacity, and company culture and value cards.

A training instrument for communicating and embedding company culture and the interplay with daily business.

The Impact Game

The sustainability game "Impact Game" runs on a laptop: overview screen with company, resources, and economic, ecological and social key figures.

A digital game to sharpen employees' basic understanding of the impact of ESG issues on a wide range of stakeholders and to address sustainability in general.

Ökonomikus Sustainability

Game board of the business simulation Ökonomikus Sustainability: personnel, cards with supply chains, products and project cards, and money chips for the sustainability game.

A business simulation to learn about and experience sustainable company management. Because financial results are no longer enough for leading a successful, future-proof business.

Ökonomikus Basics

Board game with game pieces and red and yellow chips representing employees and financial resources for training purposes.

A business simulation to learn, deepen and apply entrepreneurial thinking and action. Because successful companies have employees who demonstrate these competencies.

Project GOLD

Game board with a desert setting: resource cards, gold, vehicle and game material for the serious game Project GOLD

A serious game to bring the benefits of cross-team collaboration to life.

Swiss Banking Game

Digital representation of topics covered in the Swiss Banking Game: Basel 3, wealth management market analysis etc.

A computer-based simulation to identify and understand the challenges of running a bank and make the right decisions regarding this yourself.

The Venice Project

Board game setup for the Venice Project serious game: player tokens, treasure cards and information for the participants in the communication and team building workshop.

A serious game to experience the key factors of high performance teams, learn and internalize feedback as a method.

Ökonomikus Strategy

Game board of the strategic management game Ökonomikus Strategy: money chips in the profit and loss account and employees in the form of play figures on production machines.

A business simulation to master complex multi-market multi-product situations with sophisticated strategies and compete against the competition.

Ökonomikus Hotel

Cards with customers and other stakeholders with service requirements on the board of Ökonomikus Hotel.

The business simulation to promote entrepreneurial thinking and acting in a service company in an eventful way.

Manage your Insurance

Game board with customer advisors, policies, and insurance companies.

A business simulation to understand the insurance business at a glance and deepen knowledge and understanding of it.

Venice project online

Digital version of Venice Project Serious Game on a laptop: game character with treasures, puzzles and tasks for remote team events.

A digital game to experience the key factors of High Performing Teams.

Play Economics

Play Economics screen with representation of a company: purchasing, production, sales and marketing decisions above and books including balance sheet and income statement below.

A digital game to learn, deepen and apply entrepreneurial thinking and action. Because successful companies have employees who demonstrate these competencies.

Ökonomikus Sales

Ökonomikus Sales game board with different sales department, finances and customer orders.

A business simulation to increase the ability for strategic sales management and to promote the performance of sales teams.

Ökonomikus Finance

Ökonomikus Finance game board with monetary chips on a profit and loss statement for the calculation of financial key figures and performance indicators.

A business simulation to make and understand simple financial and business decisions.

Northmen & Pharaoh’s Zale

Personen in einem Online Workshop für Kommunikation.

An online workshop to experience collaboration in a virtual environment, optimize communication and information sharing, identify opportunities and challenges that arise and develop individual solutions for your teams.

Sales Funnel Game

The Sales Funnel online training game on a laptop: representation of a sales funnel with customer orders and sales leads.

A custom game development to train the process from lead to close using real customer examples while learning to use metrics to guide the process.

Ökonomikus Banking

Ökonomikus Banking game board with chips as representation for business banking interest and loan decisions.

A business simulation to experience all aspects of general banking.

Service Quality Game

Service Quality Game board with game pieces, dice and service requests in card form for employee training.

An individual game development to train and convey practice-oriented knowledge on various business-relevant topics in a sustainable way.


Ein Spielbrett mit Matterhorn: Kollaborierende Teams als Bergsteiger mit Ausrüstungskarten auf den Wanderwegen.

A serious game to apply and develop one's leadership skills and learn how to deal with conflicts and risks.

Manage Your Project

The project management game "Manage your Project": Personnel resources for "Daily Business" and the project plan in form of a Gantt chart.

A serious game to learn and apply the basic concepts and tools of project management.

Manage Your Store

Das Manage your Store Spielbrett: Personal, Inventar in den Auslagen des Ladens und Kundenbedürfnissen in Form von Spielkarten.

A serious game to develop the management skills of sales and distribution managers.

Decision Makers

Das Decision Makers Spielbrett: Personalressourcen, Projekte, verschiedene Abteilungen und Karten mit Führungsentscheidungen.

A serious game to train and improve leadership and the skills needed for it.

The Tower Game

Lego Türme für das Tower Game: Verschiedene Rollen in Kartenform für das Projekt.

A serious game to experience and apply the key factors for successful project management.

Manage Your Agency

The Manage your Agency game board: customer advisors, customers, sales figures and customer needs as game chips.

A business simulation to train interactive leadership and sales for health insurance companies and insurers.

Public Management SIM

Screenshot von "Public Management Sim" auf einem Laptop-Bildschirm, auf dem eine Wortwolke mit Begriffen wie "Verwaltung", "Gemeinde", "Controlling" und "Gesetzgebung" zu sehen ist, was den Schwerpunkt des Spiels auf die Ausbildung in der Schweizer Kommunalverwaltung widerspiegelt.

A computer-based simulation to train the management and leadership of an administrative organization in a practice-oriented manner using a model and to experience the holistic nature of the task.

Macro Economics

Ein offener Laptop mit der Simulationsoberfläche "Macro Economics", die eine Wortwolke mit den wichtigsten wirtschaftlichen Begriffen wie "Wirtschaft", "Nachfrage" und "Angebot" enthält, die auf die umfassenden wirtschaftlichen Konzepte hinweisen, die im Spiel behandelt werden.

A computer-based simulation to understand the complexities of economic decision-making under changing economic and social conditions.

Portfolio Mgmt SIM

Laptop-Bildschirm, auf dem die Benutzeroberfläche der "Portfolio Management Sim" mit einer Wortwolke zum Thema Vermögensverwaltung angezeigt wird, die Begriffe wie "Portfolio", "Risikoanalyse", "Vermögensaufteilung" und "Anlagepolitik" enthält und den umfassenden Bildungsumfang des Simulationsspiels symbolisiert.

A computer-based simulation to successfully manage an asset management institution in a challenging market environment.

Aftersales Business

Spielplan des "Aftersales Business Game" mit verschiedenen Kundendienstszenarien in einem Porsche-Autohaus, mit Terminkarten, Serviceplättchen und Mitarbeiterkarten, die den Schwerpunkt des Spiels auf das strategische Kundendienstmanagement legen.

An individual game development to play through and thus anchor the aftersales process with all facets and using practical examples.

Swatch Happy Nessie

The HappyNessie mobile app with a question about company culture and policies.

A hybrid game to accompany the move to a new office building and the associated issues and questions.

LAByrinth Viollier

Nahaufnahme des "LAByrinth Viollier"-Brettspiels mit Spielsteinen und Figuren, die verschiedene Rollen im Labormanagement darstellen, wie z. B. das Ratsteam und die Kundenbetreuung, Spielsteine für die Produktion und Kunden, die die interaktiven Elemente zur Simulation der strategischen Entscheidungsfindung in einer Laborumgebung veranschaulichen.

An individual game development to promote and establish entrepreneurial and strategic thinking and acting in the company.


Verschiedene Karten aus dem "Codex-Spiel", die auf einem Tisch ausgelegt sind und jeweils verschiedene Regeln für den Umgang mit Hunden illustrieren, wie z. B. einen fressenden Hund nicht zu stören, mit einfachen Illustrationen und Text in deutscher Sprache, der Kinder über sicheres Verhalten im Umgang mit Hunden aufklären soll.

An individual game development to deepen the correct behaviour towards dogs. With the game, the instructions for action are actively practised, wrong reactions are prevented and thus one's own safety in dealing with and encountering dogs is strengthened.


Detail des Brettspiels "Agogis Play", das Elemente der Finanzverwaltung zeigt, mit gelben und roten Spielsteinen auf den Budgetfeldern, die Ausgaben und Einnahmen symbolisieren, sowie Abschnitten mit der Aufschrift "Gesamtausgaben" und "Gesamteinnahmen", was den Schwerpunkt des Spiels auf die finanzielle Verantwortung bei der Verwaltung sozialer Einrichtungen widerspiegelt.

A business simulation to know and understand the main financial parameters and interdependencies that occur with the management of an institution in the social sector.

My First Bank

Das Brettspiel " My First Bank" mit blauen und roten Spielerfiguren, Karten, auf denen Bankgeschäfte wie Kredite und Zinssätze dargestellt sind, und einem Spielbrett, auf dem die Abläufe in einer Bank dargestellt sind, vermittelt den Spielern die Grundlagen des Bankwesens.

A business simulation to easily understand the ABC of banking in one day.


Mobiltelefon mit der "Condair-Quiz"-App mit einer klaren, blauen Benutzeroberfläche, die Avatare von Quizmoderatoren und eine Liste von Quizfragen zeigt, die die interaktiven Lern- und Engagementfunktionen der App veranschaulichen.

A digital game to anchor various topics from sales to finance to project management in an entertaining and sustainable way.

Canton Bern Game

Nahaufnahme des Brettspiels " Kanton Bern Spiel ", das eine bunte Karte des Kantons Bern mit verschiedenen Spielfiguren, darunter Meeples, Spielsteine und Würfel, zeigt, die strategisch auf wichtigen Verwaltungsbezirken platziert sind und die Regierungsprozesse und Entscheidungswege darstellen.

An individual game development to improve the internal communication of a cantonal administration and to understand products, projects, processes.


Die individuelle Spielentwicklung Horizons als fertiges Brettspiel: Handelsschiffe und Kundenkarten mit Reputation und Aufträgen.

An individual game development to teach the importance of value-based decision-making.

Mobility game

Eine Karte von Zürich, auf der verschiedene Verkehrsmittel dargestellt sind, mit Holzfiguren und Würfeln auf einem lebendigen Spielpfad und einer Karte mit einer Frage zur städtischen Mobilität, die den pädagogischen Fokus des Spiels auf nachhaltigen Verkehr betont.

An individual game development to create understanding for the mobility concept of the city of Zurich.

Kunsthaus game

Assorted art cards from the 'Kunsthaus Game' are spread out on a table, featuring reproductions of famous paintings from the Kunsthaus Zürich collection, alongside the game's box with 'Kunsthaus Zürich' emblazoned on the side.

An individual game development to enable young people in particular to engage with images in an entertaining way and to have fun with art.


Das Brettspiel "Airport by unique" stellt die aufregende Reise von Passagieren auf einem Flughafen dar, mit bunten Spielfiguren, die zum Einsteigen aufgereiht sind, Aktionskarten im Spiel und einem Miniaturflugzeug, das das Wesen der Navigation durch die Abläufe auf einem Flughafen einfängt.

An individual game development to show the purpose of the airport from the passenger's point of view in the context of external and internal communication.

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