Smart, gamified solutions
Gamified solutions support learning effectively and are fun. We understand gamification as a method to interactively design a topic, a process or a content in a goal- and purpose-oriented way.
You can rely on us.
Making the
right choice
Workshop and
game development
Our services
Workshop and training
Are you fed up with PowerPoint, flipchart & Co?
Then you've come to the right place!
We offer seminars, training's and workshops on a variety of topics, from banking know-how and corporate management to team development, leadership and much more.
Customised solutions
Are you tired of passing as standard?
So do we!
We develop customised scenarios for you that work together with our training platforms and meet your specific needs.
Training concepts
Do you also wish for a red thread instead of a mess?
We create gamified trainings together with you and link them thematically to a training concept that meets your individual requirements and objectives.
Development of customised games
Are you tired of working with solutions that don't really fit?
Then we create the right solution for you!
We develop a completely individual gamified solution for you, which, for example, maps your new strategy, a new process, a business model or parts of it.
Consulting and coaching
Are you tired of doing everything on your own?
In our counselling and coaching mandates, we are guided by three perspectives:
I (person and individual)
I and team (society and social)
I in the organisation (environment and design).
In this way, we accompany the transition from employee to manager, which typically poses challenges in terms of new values and ways of thinking, integration into structures and the assumption of responsibility as well as decision-making competencies.