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Macro Economics

Navigate the intricate web of economic decision-making with "Macro Economics", a computer-based simulation that sheds light on the fluctuating economic and social landscapes.

Ein offener Laptop mit der Simulationsoberfläche "Macro Economics", die eine Wortwolke mit den wichtigsten wirtschaftlichen Begriffen wie "Wirtschaft", "Nachfrage" und "Angebot" enthält, die auf die umfassenden wirtschaftlichen Konzepte hinweisen, die im Spiel behandelt werden.
Initial Situation

In the modern world, where economic landscapes are continually shifting, understanding macroeconomic forces is crucial. Individuals in management and policymaking roles must navigate these complexities to make informed decisions. 'Macro Economics' offers a practical tool to simulate economic strategies and visualize the outcomes, providing invaluable insights into the broader economic impact of such decisions.

The Game

In "Macro Economics", participants step into roles that are pivotal to the functioning of a country's economy, navigating scenarios that simulate the delicate interplay between different economic sectors. By making decisions as the government, central bank, private enterprises, financial institutions, and labor unions, players will grasp the consequences of policy-making in areas like trade, regulation, and social welfare. The simulation challenges you to achieve policy goals while contending with external economic shocks and political events. Weather the ebb and flow of the economic cycle, and understand how macroeconomic policy influences the well-being of the citizenry and the health of the private sector.

Ein offener Laptop mit der Simulationsoberfläche "Macro Economics", die eine Wortwolke mit den wichtigsten wirtschaftlichen Begriffen wie "Wirtschaft", "Nachfrage" und "Angebot" enthält, die auf die umfassenden wirtschaftlichen Konzepte hinweisen, die im Spiel behandelt werden.
Target Group

This simulation is ideally suited for individuals in management, finance professionals, central bank staff, private bankers, portfolio managers, and anyone seeking a practical understanding of macroeconomics. It's also a valuable educational tool for instructors and students of economics and political science.

The Workshop

The "Macro Economics" workshop, which can be conducted over 2-4 days for groups ranging from 9 to an unlimited number of participants, is an intensive dive into economic strategies. It's also available as an online workshop, providing flexible learning options for remote learning.

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