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A digital game to anchor various topics from sales to finance to project management in an entertaining and sustainable way.

Mobiltelefon mit der "Condair-Quiz"-App mit einer klaren, blauen Benutzeroberfläche, die Avatare von Quizmoderatoren und eine Liste von Quizfragen zeigt, die die interaktiven Lern- und Engagementfunktionen der App veranschaulichen.
Initial Situation

In a world where continuous learning and engagement are key to organizational growth, 'Condair-Quiz' offers a unique approach to employee development. This mobile app keeps knowledge fresh and exciting, allowing employees to engage with various company-related topics through a fun and competitive quiz format.

The Game

"Condair-Quiz" transforms the traditional learning experience into a captivating challenge. Players collect avatars representing company management personalities by correctly answering topic-focused questions. Regular updates and new questions ensure the app remains a compelling tool for learning, with notifications drawing players back for more. Timed competitions linked to company events create a lively community spirit and offer chances to win prizes.

Mobiltelefon mit der "Condair-Quiz"-App mit einer klaren, blauen Benutzeroberfläche, die Avatare von Quizmoderatoren und eine Liste von Quizfragen zeigt, die die interaktiven Lern- und Engagementfunktionen der App veranschaulichen.
Target Group

Ideal for employees at all levels seeking to deepen their understanding of company processes, products, or any focus area designated by the organization. "Condair-Quiz" is an innovative way to stay informed and connected with the company's pulse.

The Workshop

While "Condair-Quiz" primarily functions as a self-directed learning tool, it can also be used as a dynamic accompaniment to workshops and company meetings. The app is used to facilitate group competitions, enhance team-building exercises, and reinforce learning objectives in a memorable way.

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