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LAByrinth Viollier

An individual game development to promote and establish entrepreneurial and strategic thinking and acting in the company.

Nahaufnahme des "LAByrinth Viollier"-Brettspiels mit Spielsteinen und Figuren, die verschiedene Rollen im Labormanagement darstellen, wie z. B. das Ratsteam und die Kundenbetreuung, Spielsteine für die Produktion und Kunden, die die interaktiven Elemente zur Simulation der strategischen Entscheidungsfindung in einer Laborumgebung veranschaulichen.
Initial Situation

In the competitive field of laboratory services, strategic agility and business acumen are vital. 'LAByrinth Viollier' is a bespoke simulation crafted to illuminate the complex maze of managing a lab environment. It encourages players to adopt an entrepreneurial mindset, making decisions that affect the lab's growth and adaptation in the ever-evolving market.

The Game

Engage in 'LAByrinth Viollier,' where you manage your own lab in the form of a board game with precision and strategic foresight. The simulation tasks you with aligning operational decisions with market demands, financial stability, and strategic growth objectives. As you navigate through the simulated business model of Viollier, the game provides real-time feedback, transforming complex lab management concepts into clear, actionable strategies.

Nahaufnahme des "LAByrinth Viollier"-Brettspiels mit Spielsteinen und Figuren, die verschiedene Rollen im Labormanagement darstellen, wie z. B. das Ratsteam und die Kundenbetreuung, Spielsteine für die Produktion und Kunden, die die interaktiven Elemente zur Simulation der strategischen Entscheidungsfindung in einer Laborumgebung veranschaulichen.
Target Group

Intended initially for upper management, 'LAByrinth Viollier' is also adaptable for broader employee engagement. It offers a valuable perspective into the strategic challenges and opportunities in the lab sector, making it a perfect tool for managers and staff looking to deepen their understanding of the business.

The Workshop

The simulation workshop can accommodate multiple teams, with up to 24 participants, in a single or parallel session format. Each group is guided by a game moderator, with internal coaches facilitating the practical application of concepts. The bilingual (German/French) workshop aims to create a unified culture and positive mindset towards strategic change within the company.

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